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What I like to think they're doing while I'm gone |
We all look forward to vacation, it's time away from stress, worries & work. What more
could you ask for? In my case, travel mates :-)
Does anyone else feel anxiety about leaving on vacation without your pets? We have a great "temporary mommy" for them so we have no worries that they'll be taken care of. I just wonder if they'll miss us, like we miss them. I wonder if they realize how long we're gone. Do they think we abandoned them? Do they miss our "good mornings" as much as I miss their little faces waking us every morning for "breaf-ist" (intentional spelling error) The answer is, most likely not. Cats just want fed. Feed my face, scoop my poop & they're good to go.
Reesey cuddles every morning. She knows it's time to "wake mommy" so she hops up next to me & instead of annoying me & waking me up as she is supposed to, she curls up, rolls over & exposes her belly to be rubbed, which of course I do half heartedly bc I'm barely coherent. Will she miss my half assed petting?
Boo-Boo is our tootsie taster.. he loves to bite your tootsies in the morning. Will he miss our tasty toes?
Mocha perches on the bathroom sink waiting for you to run the water for her own personal water fountain... will she dehydrate because she'll wait all week??
Punkin likes to eat turkey with her other mom every morning. She's our skinny girl so a little extra grub isn't so bad for her. Will she go through turkey withdrawal?
Skittles, well he just likes to eat. That's about it. He's on ear meds at the moment so he may not miss us very much.
I know, we over think too much. People say cats don't have feelings, which I don't agree with at all. Just waiting for that day we have tv phones so we can call our house, have it pick up & we're able to talk to our fur-babies. :) Until then we'll trust the kitty nanny & try to enjoy our fur-less vacation.
Oh yea, the kid. He'll be fine.
I like to think they'll miss us <3