Why do we even bother naming our pets when we end up calling them something else. It's like with kids, if you yell the full name then they know they're in trouble. With pets, if you call them by their true name they know they're doing something wrong. I don't have just one, I have 2 or 3 nicknames for our cats. I've heard people say, cats don't know their names. Ha! You are incorrect. Not only do they know their real names but they know the bajillion nicknames we've given them. One even has her own song & when I sing it, she comes trotting along ♥ My own kid doesn't come running when I call him by his REAL name. Thank goodness I only had one of those.
Let's go down the list....oldest to youngest.
Skittles orange tabby - 12 yrs old, likes food, sleeping, food & pooping. Bottle fed by me since he was 4 wks old. Must have been some steroids in that milk!
~ Fiddle Faddle
~ Mr. Man
~ Big Boy - he's about 20 lbs
~ Skids - and unfortunately he lives up to this name
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Times I feel as if I'm intruding on their private time... so odd. |
Mocha (only loves Skittles, as you see from the above pictures) Tortie ~ 5 yrs old - likes.... nothing. She's an ornery pants.
~ Mocha Choca Latte
~ Miss Pissy Paws
I don't dare call her too many names, as you see the name above describes her, don't want to piss her off anymore than she already is.
Punkin (not Pumpkin... she's not round or fat or orange) Blush & white - almost 3 ~ loves 'string' aka shoe lace, plays hide & seek and loves turkey.
~ Punka Doodle
~ Poodle (When I say "there's poodle" it totally confuses people)
~ Skinny Butt
She has the song ♪A Punka doodle, a punka doodle a punka punka punka punka punka doodle ♪
With her favorite toy "string"... if you say "go find string" she will. |
Baxter (or Bastard which is what my teen son likes to call him) Tiger stripe - 1 yr - loves jumping at bugs, pissing off Mocha & moving at rapid speeds. He's very ADD - thus why he takes to my son so well, they relate.
~ Boo Boo
~ Bumble (he doesn't really 'meow' he just buzzes all the time)
~ Buddy
We think he's part bobcat, before he was even 1 yr old his tail alone measured 14" - Well hung cat. |
Reesey - Tortie - 1 yr - loves mommy's Zumba® bracelets, timid but oh so sweet & cuddles like no other.
~ Reesey Piecey Pants - must be said with odd accent
~ Little Girl
~ Chunky Monkey (she's got a tiny body but full in the middle cuz this girl likes to eat!)
Bestest cuddler in the whole world! |
I often think nicknames are used because we're too lazy to say the whole name, like in my house. Dustin = Dust & Kelly = Kel... it's like we just can't get the rest out, too much work. But with our cats you see the names are usually longer. Think they just earn names as you get to know them. Glad people don't give me nicknames according to my personality. Or at least don't say them to my face.
Tell me some of your pet's names/nicknames....
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